Animal Care Experts Vets

Soft Tissue Surgery
At Acevets, we strive to enhance the quality and longevity of your pet's life through precise surgical interventions and meticulous post-operative care. Our highly skilled veterinary surgeons are dedicated to ensuring optimal outcomes for every patient. We focus on patient safety, pain management, and applying evidence-based medical practices to provide the highest standard of care.
Our Surgical Services Include:
Comprehensive Surgical Consultations
Advanced Surgical Procedures
Minimally Invasive Surgical Options
Post-operative Care and Management
Areas of Surgical Expertise:
Gastrointestinal Surgery
Respiratory Surgery
Hepatobiliary Surgery (Liver and Gallbladder)
Urogenital Surgery
Oncologic Surgery (Tumor Removal)
Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery
Hernia Repairs
Wound Management and Soft Tissue Trauma
Oral and Dental Surgery
Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery
Endocrine Surgery (Adrenal, Thyroid, Parathyroid)
Ophthalmic Surgery
📞 Contact Us Today:
To schedule a surgical consultation or to learn more about our specialised surgical services, please visit acevets.net or contact us directly by phoning 01708 579433 or emailing us at cranham@acevets.net - cranhamacevets@gmail.com.